I liked all the different sounds you used. Excellent Job.
I liked all the different sounds you used. Excellent Job.
Nice Song
I like it. It got sort of repetitive, but it had a cool unique sound. Very nice. Good Job.
Sounds like you worked hard...
Very interesting. I can imagine this appearing in some sort of game. It's quite short and repetitive, but I like it.
That was really cool! I especially liked when the drum kit beat came in, and the strings. Absolutely Awesome. Great Job.
It was really cool with all the voice effects and such, but It could have had more music to it. The voices got a bit creepy.
Thanks alot man, Its cool to get reviews.
A nice song...
I'm pretty sure that songs from the original sountrack, so I gave you a low mark on originality. It was a nice song, the piano effect could or been better, but It was good.
It was cool
The sound was kind of interesting but it was really short, and it wasn't a real song, more like a sound effect. Sounds like you have talent though.
Wow, it sounds like you've worked really hard to make this song. I really like how you've used the stereo settings... You should consider getting a better program so you don't have to use the preset midi sounds... But it's awesome!
Thanks. I used powertab to compose this. What program would you recommend? I'd really just like to record this, but don't have the gear yet.
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Some Guy
Saskatchewan, Canada
Joined on 8/18/05